I can definitely say that that The Greatest Showman is one of my fav films ever and really quite inspirational at that too. You can’t listen to This Is Me without feeling empowered and like you can take on the world. Well after 8 years of creating wedding cakes I finally feel ready to take on the world...cake world that is...to put my name to each and every one I create. To stand up and say that these stunning designs were made by me...Emma Stewart.

I had this alter ego I suppose with my original business name, Truly Scrumptious Cake By Design. It gave me something to hide behind when I was lacking in confidence. But with lots of hard work on myself, I now truly believe in every aspect of me and my skills.

I could no longer say Truly Scrumptious without hearing an internal rendition of the Truly Scrumptious Chitty Chitty Bang Bang song ring through my head. I’d out grown it as had my cakes. Gone are the everyday cutesy celebration cakes in favour of my ever growing passion for sugar flowers and elegantly flawless wedding cakes that exude luxury. And so the rebrand began.

Having decide on the new name I took a huge leap of faith and trusted the ever so talented Tracey Rothwell of Little Cherry Cake Company to design my new logo, business cards, leaflets and all important website. She completely got me and the way I wanted to evolve. What probably now looks like the easiest thing I had to decided on actually took me forever...my logo! Seriously, I really struggled with deciding, eventually getting to the one but not without torturing Tracey and some good friends along the way (they know who they are). The rest has been fairly smooth running as I had a real vision of how I wanted to elevate my original colour scheme to a more classy and elegant palette, which I think we've achieved.
I really hope you all like the new name as much as me (well I had it for nearly 40 years it'd be a bit sad if I didn't like it lol). Checkout the full website, there's so much more to see from new flavours added to the menu, info on booking your wedding cake and also the ability to book my classes online too.
Enjoy having a browse.
Emma x